CORAZON DE VIDA :: LATIN NIGHT FOR THE GIVING HEARTS Posted on 23 Dec 09:30 , 0 comments
Since December 3rd, the evening of our second annual Latin Night for the Giving Hearts & Art Exhibit Fundraiser, I could not feel more humbled and grateful for the individuals who supported us and who came together to make a difference for Casa de Paz Orphanage in Valle de Guadalupe, Mexico.
On this evening we were ALL more than volunteers, artists, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, founders, farmers, dancers, performers, world-makers and world-shakers. We were so much more than our titles could ever define us. We were a family who gathered for a common cause: to strip all of our predicaments, day-to-day lives, our little dramas and big ones. We put it all aside for humanity, the common and most important thread that connects us all. I know this simple fact will stay with all of those who supported us.
This was our second Latin Night for the Giving Hearts Fundraiser. The first was held in March with delightful and unexpected positive feedback. So, naturally, we had to do another one. This time, among our usual Latin-themed activities, including Latin cocktails, Latin dance lessons, Latin performances, Latin everything, we had a special art exhibit that really tugged at my heartstrings. My dear friend and fellow Artist, Ana-Perez Hurtado, featured more than 20 photographs of the children of Casa de Paz. The exhibit can be seen at 3RDSPACE Club For The Creative through January. Ana also helped me organize this event, and on her way to photograph the kids, she collected nearly 40 bags of warm clothes for the 65 children at Casa de Paz.
This fundraiser is unique because it is project specific. Latin Night for the Giving Hearts is specifically hosted to support the Farming Project at Casa de Paz.
A Little Bit About Our Farming Project!
With the support of Corazon de Vida and Suzie’s Farm, Casa de Paz has undertaken a special farming project that begun in late 2013. I have been so honored and blessed to have landed the opportunity to help manage this project. Less than two years later, we have two green houses, a field to harvest from and a healthy livestock that consists of various types of farm animals.
When we started our short-term goal was to offer the children access to healthy, organic, homegrown fruits and veggies as well as animal by-products and to share these goods with Rancho el Faro, an orphanage nearby. Our long-term goal remains to be achieved, which is to make this orphanage self-sustainable through organic farming. Our vision is to harvest enough organic produce and produce enough animal by-products to first open a store front at the property and later become one of the major supplies of local, organic ingredients for the many wineries and restaurants in the region. This aligns us directly with the mission of Corazon de Vida: to sustain, to improve and to educate. All of this while positively impacting those very important lives of children who live at Casa de Paz and Rancho el Faro.
The funds raised at Latin Night for the Giving Hearts & Art Exhibit will help ensure that this project continues. And, with exciting milestones and goals ahead, we are ready for the coming year.
A Special Thank You
Thank you to those who supported us and continue to do so as well as those who invest their time, resources and energy in believing in a better tomorrow. And that’s where it all starts: you just have to believe it’s possible.
I am especially grateful to Corazon de Vida for creating this opportunity for all of us to make a difference in the world.
Thank you Dita for the hard work you put into organizing this event and for your unconditional love and unwavering support to the children of Corazon de Vida!
For the complete photo gallery, click here: Latin Night for the Giving Hearts Photo Gallery