WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Cecilia - A Life Transformed Posted on 28 Jun 15:08 , 0 comments

Hi, my name is Cecilia, this is my story. At the age of 14, I arrived at an orphanage, called Casa Hogar Estado 29. It became one of the most significant experiences of my life. It marked a turning point, transforming my past and shaping my future.

The home became a true melting pot of experiences and learning. Living with other young people in similar situations showed me that I was not alone in my journey. We shared our stories and supported each other in our daily struggles. I understood the importance of empathy and solidarity, values that I still hold in my heart.

During my stay at the orphanage, I had the incredible privilege of crossing paths with Corazon de Vida, who played a fundamental role in my university career and opened the doors to a promising future. Thanks to your generosity and support, today I can proudly say that I have a degree in psychology specializing in organizational development, currently working at the company Work One Solutions. As a professional, my passion lies in being an agent of change. I work hand in hand with leaders and teams, providing solutions and strategies that promote motivation, collaboration, and emotional well-being. I firmly believe in people's power and ability to drive organizational success.

The opportunity to become a licensed psychologist has been a significant achievement in my life. I thank the foundation that made this possible and all the people who have believed in me throughout my career. Your unwavering support has inspired me to keep going and make a difference in the workplace.

The CDV Foundation went beyond education support. It also gave me experiences that I never thought possible for someone like me who came from a group home. Thanks to them, I had the opportunity to obtain a visa, visit Disneyland, get to know San Francisco, and discover places that I only saw in movies. These experiences left an indelible mark on my heart and reminded me that dreams can come true.

Today, I look back and realize how far I’ve come. I thank God and life for leading me on this path. Although the difficulties were not easy to face, they taught me to value each small victory and not to take moments of happiness for granted. Today, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to share my story. If I can inspire someone who is in a similar situation, my purpose will be fulfilled. We can all face adversity and find the power to build a fulfilling and meaningful life.

To all those who support the foundation, I want to say the impact goes beyond education. You are changing lives and opening doors to a future full of opportunities for young people like me. I urge you to continue your support because every contribution counts and makes a significant difference to those who need a boost on their path to reaching their goals.

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