
CORAZON DE VIDA :: A YEAR-END MESSAGE FROM OUR FOUNDER Posted on 20 Dec 11:30 , 0 comments

Dear Corazon de Vida Angel,

If the last couple of years have taught us anything, it’s certainly the importance of community. We realize that we are beyond blessed to have you as part of Corazon de Vida’s community of support. Your generous giving has continued to provide life-saving support for the children of Baja.

During the second half of this year, the orphanages opened up for limited visits so we could finally see the children again. Every time we visit, we remind the children that the support we provide is because of you, and your faithful giving. The children cannot wait to see you and thank you personally, so we pray that we can resume our monthly visits to the orphanages in 2022.

Keeping up with the life sustaining and education needs of the children has been our primary focus during this time. Aside from our monthly financial support, we held several “supply drives” where we collected additional food, cleaning supplies and personal hygiene supplies that were all delivered to the orphanages.

Thanks to your support this year we have been able to not only focus on basic needs, but we have also been able to focus on quality-of-life improvement projects such as fixing plumbing issues, broken windows, and other safety related repairs.

Other projects included the installation of a patio shade for the Special Needs dorm at Rancho de Los Niños so they can enjoy their outdoor activities, as well as installing some beautiful synthetic grass on the playground at Los Angelitos orphanage. As you can imagine, we already have a long list of projects for 2022!

The 2021/2022 school year continued in a distance-learning format for some students and in a hybrid format for others. In a way, the hybrid format presented a new challenge for the orphanages in learning how to properly utilize the staff’s support to ensure the children could follow the required schedules.

We have continued to provide support for in-home teachers and tutors and for education technology such as laptops, Chromebooks and other devices that the children need for their schoolwork. Children are sometimes transferred to other orphanages and so we follow them to ensure their needs are covered. This year, a few of our children were transferred to another orphanage and when we visited them, we found that the orphanage needed help with technology for their students as well. In some cases, students were trying to do schoolwork on the staff’s cellular phones! Thanks to your donations, we were able to provide Chromebook laptops, desktop computers, and headphones for these future leaders.

This year we have four (4) students completing their university studies:

Nothing fills our hearts more than to see our children succeed! If you EVER wonder if your support makes a difference, here is living proof that it does!

Cecilia entered an orphanage as a young teen. Cecilia graduated in 2016 with a degree in psychology. During her internship period, Cecilia decided to focus on Human Resources, specifically, training and recruitment.

Last year, Cecilia got a job with Crowe Tijuana, one of the largest international consultancy company in Mexico. She continues to succeed in her career, and serves as a strong role model to our students.

Isaac lived in an orphanage with his three sisters for 6 years during a time when their single mother could not provide for them.He and his siblings eventually able to reunite with their mother when he was in high school but Corazon de Vida continued to provide educational support to Isaac and his siblings. Isaac graduated from college in 2016 with a degree in accounting.

He has been working as an accountant for Toyota Tijuana for the last 3 years and helps support his family.

This quote is for you, from one of our Alumni:

“I represent your donations, your visits to the orphanage, your Christmas gifts each year, your effort to donate each month …. If you donate $1 or $100, you will be part of the history of each one of us, I hope to one day meet you, DONOR, and thank you personally, but if that does not happen, THANK YOU from all of us!” – Alin Cuevas, MD

Together we are giving orphaned and abandoned children an opportunity for a life of purpose and possibility. Please consider making an additional end-of-the-year tax deductible donation and help us continue to make the dream of a better life a reality for our kids!

We are blessed to have your support and partnership in this work!

Hilda Pacheco-Taylor
Founder, Corazon de Vida Foundation
“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill


What a night! We knew that Noche de Gala was going to be an amazing event but nothing could have prepared us for the incredible wave of generosity that we were about to experience. With the sun setting on the historic Hotel del Coronado there couldn’t have been a more spectacular way to begin the celebration. It was the perfect place for the Corazon de Vida family to reunite in San Diego. We are beyond excited to announce that thanks to your participation and generous hearts, we surpassed all of our fundraising records to date, raising over $340,000 in support of the children! YOU made this an unforgettable night!

The last couple of years have been a testament of how fortunate we are to have a community of supporters that cares and loves our children unconditionally. Last Saturday as we reunited after two long years, your love for the children shone so brightly. Your unwavering commitment to our mission of transforming the lives of thousands of orphaned and abandoned children in Baja was ever-present every minute of the night.

A very special thank you to our Main Sponsors Bird Rock Systems and Saban Music Group. To our product sponsors: Hotel Del Coronado, Alternative Strategies, Ortega’s A Mexican Bistro, Encore, Harumi Floral Design, Tahona, Sasy Wines, Casamigos Tequila and Chuao Chocolatier. To our talented musicians and performers: Agustin “El Moro”, Nghia Lam, Chiara Copobianco, Laura Urgelles, Fulya and Ozhan, Sinai and our DJs Alina and Ja Kop. And to our amazing team of photographers and videographers: Omar Araiza, Roman Durta and Kliff. We are also very grateful to the companies and individuals that donated items to our live and silent auction, your contributions made a huge impact in our fundraising efforts.
We are extremely grateful for our San Diego Chapter, not only for your hard work and commitment leading to the event by inviting your network, securing donations, sponsorships and silent auction items, but also for your love of the children and commitment to Corazon de Vida's mission for so many years! To our amazing Host Committee for working hard for months leading up to the event. To our superstars Masters of Ceremonies Abelardo Rodriguez and Paola Hernandez and the Rick Werner Professional Auctioneer family for working the crowd throughout the night in such a magical way. And to our ever amazing team of hardworking volunteers, none of our events would be possible without your support. Thank you for your love of the children and for believing in our mission.
We are overwhelmed with the increasing support we get each year. We truly believe YOU are the key to our mission. Your loyalty to Corazon de Vida is the reason our children have hope for a better tomorrow. On behalf of the kids, GRACIAS!

Click HERE for the gallery of photos.

CORAZON DE VIDA :: LA NOCHE BLANCA 2021 WAS UNFORGETTABLE Posted on 17 Sep 07:22 , 0 comments

With hearts full of gratitude, we are very excited to announce that La Noche Blanca was a complete success! Thanks to your donations, sponsorships, auction participation and ticket purchases, we were able to raise $225,000 in support of the children. We never could have done this without the support of our amazing community!

We would like to acknowledge the following companies and individuals for helping us make this evening our best La Noche Blanca to date. A very special thank you to our main event Sponsors Hosa Technology and Veros Credit. To our incredible chef lineup whom collaborated to make a create an unforgettable dining experience: Chef Ivan Calderon with Taco Rosa and Taco Mesa, Chef Gabbi Patrick with Gabbi’s Mexican Kitchen and Chaak Kitchen and award-winning chefs Michael Rossi and Dave Rossi and the generous vendors that donated high quality vegetables and meats; Melissa’s, Ingardia Brothers and Think Culinary. Heartfelt thank you to Parisa and Chuck Horning for welcoming the CDV family into your beautiful home year and after year, to Harumi Floral Designs for the beautiful centerpieces, Tahona Mezcal Bar and Amar Harrag for the always popular mezcal tasting, Tanteo Tequila and Don Fulano Tequila for the tequila tastings and La Competencia Imports, Santos Brujos, Madera 5 and Palafox for bringing us some the best wines from Baja, Mexico. Also, Ballast Point Brewing Company for the beer donation, Mission Wine Company for the wine donation and The Paper Company for the eco-friendly paper products donation. Annie Jeeves and Nirav Solanki for capturing the special night in your beautiful photos. We are also grateful to the companies and individuals that donated items to our silent auction and to our table sponsors, your contributions made a huge impact in our fundraising efforts.

We are extremely grateful for our Host Committee, for your hard work and commitment leading to the event by inviting your network, securing donations, sponsorships and silent auction items. To our superstar Masters of Ceremonies Yarel Ramos and Rick Werner for working the crowd throughout the night in such a magical way. And to our ever amazing team of hardworking volunteers, none of our events would be possible without your support, thank you for your love of the children and for believing in our mission.

We are overwhelmed with the increasing support we get each year. Every La Noche Blanca is a reminder of the loving and generous community that believes in our cause. We truly believe YOU are the key to our mission, your loyalty to Corazon de Vida is the reason our children have hope for a better tomorrow. On behalf of the kids, GRACIAS!

Click HERE for the photo gallery!


The Black Swan Initiative’s inaugural event was a big success! On Saturday, August 21, 2021, the Black Swan Initiative hosted its first event themed “Summer Gatsby Gala”, the event was attended by over 160 guests and raised $113,500 for Corazon de Vida Foundation.

Upon arriving at the event, guests were greeted by Gatsby dancers and followed the red carpet to a roving champagne dress server next to a lavish grazing table, then past the casino tables on to a beautiful scene; a mermaid by the pool, Gatsby dancers on stage, contortionist performer, and bubble dancers in the pool, all performing to the eclectic sounds of a trumpet and electric violinist. Artists Alan Chin and Tom Franco built a wooden sculpture right on-site, titled “Love and Connection”. Later in the night, guests were treated to a mesmerizing fire dancer show.

The evening’s “heart” was a paddle-raise auction where guests were asked to support Corazon de Vida by making a donation that night. The response was overwhelming, and in less than 20 minutes, the goal of raising $100,000 was not only met but exceeded!

The Black Swan Initiative was founded by Brandon Blum and Tal Moore, two San Diego entrepreneurs who, after years of focusing on business, decided to turn their attention towards philanthropic endeavors to give back to their community.

Brandon and Tal choose Corazon de Vida foundation as the beneficiary of this event. Both have visited the orphanages that Corazon de Vida supports, and have seen first-hand the needs of children just across our border. Brandon and Tal, both members of entrepreneur groups in San Diego knew that they were in a unique position to make a difference. That is when they thought about founding a company that would bring together entrepreneurship and philanthropy, and the Black Swan Initiative was born!

“We are beyond grateful to our friends, neighbors and community for their generous response to our request for support. We are excited for what the future holds and the amazing difference we can make together” – Brandon and Tal


Have you heard the news? Corazon de Vida and Speaking from the Heart  are organizing a Christmas concert with the talented and inspiring Christian singer Marcela Gandara! 

Speaking from the Heart is a program under the Corazon de Vida foundation that for the past 9 years has provided special education services to children and adolescents residing in orphanages in Baja California, Mexico. 


Our goal is to sponsor local orphanages to attend this once in a lifetime concert and to raise $50,000 to continue to provide life-sustaining support and special education services to the children of Baja. Special education support in Mexico is very limited and unfortunately there are many children who need specialized treatment. This fundraiser will provide the funds needed to treat more children with disabilities. 

We are asking for the support of our US and Mexico communities to reach our goal by sponsoring and attending the concert. Please help us make a difference in the lives of the children and make this a faith filled and inspiring evening! 

More information here: and

To support with sponsorships please contact:

Araceli Torres (US Sponsors): 

Sofía del C. Zúñiga (México sponsors):

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

​​¿Ya te enteraste? Fundación Corazón de Vida y su programa especializado Speaking from the Heart, están organizando un concierto de navidad con la famosa e inspiradora cantante cristiana Marcela Gándara, a beneficio de nuestros niños de casas hogares en Baja California.

Speaking from the Heart es un programa de la fundación Corazón de Vida, que desde hace 9 años ha brindado servicios de educación especial a niños y adolescentes con discapacidad que residen en casas hogares de Baja California en México.

El objetivo principal de este gran concierto es la recaudación de fondos, para continuar brindando el apoyo a las 10 casas hogares que beneficia Corazón de Vida y otorgar en ellas los servicios de educación especial a estos pequeños con discapacidad. Desafortunadamente  cubrir las necesidades de educación especial en las Casas Hogares de Baja California está limitada por los recursos y para atenderlas se requieren mayores contribuciones anuales ya que los niños necesitan tratamiento especializado enfocado a sus necesidades.

Es por ello que solicitamos el apoyo de todos ustedes; patrocinadores, aliados,  en Estados Unidos y México para lograr beneficiar a nuestros niños con esta iniciativa binacional. Pueden contribuir a esta gran causa asistiendo al concierto o participando como patrocinador con tu empresa.

¡Ayúdanos y acompáñanos a continuar cambiando la vida de nuestros niños en Baja California, en esta noche especial llena de fe, amor e inspiración!

Conoce más en:

Para patrocinios escribe a:

Araceli Torres Lomelí en San Diego al correo: 

Sofía del C. Zúñiga Castillo en Tijuana al correo:

CORAZON DE VIDA :: HAPPY 27th BIRTHDAY CDV! Posted on 23 Apr 13:35 , 0 comments

April 24, 2021, marks the 27th anniversary of the Corazon de Vida Foundation. It has been an incredible journey all along. A journey of hope,  of hard work, of accomplished goals and of thousands of lives transformed.

Since 1994 we’ve been on a mission to end the cycle of poverty and abandonment in Baja, and to make a change that will last a lifetime. With the partnership of our loving and generous supporters, we have been able to provide life-changing support to thousands of orphaned and abandoned children throughout the years.  

Corazon de Vida is a community of generous and compassionate people, bound by our love for the children.  The ripples of love and purpose expand not only to the lives of the children we serve, but also the lives of our donors and volunteers who have the opportunity to give back and make an impact that will bring generational change to many lives. We are beyond grateful for all the incredible individuals, families and companies that have supported us during all these years. To our amazing Board Members, Advisors and Chapter Members, THANK YOU! Your unwavering support and love for the children inspire us every day. To our Heart Angels and Mission Partners, THANK YOU! Because of your commitment, we are able to provide consistent monthly support to the orphanages and provide transformational education opportunities to our teens and young adults.  To the thousands of volunteers that have joined our monthly trips and supported our events, THANK YOU! Your dedication and love is a blessing to our staff and children.

Today, as we celebrate 27 years, we reminisce on our past accomplishments and look forward to Corazon de Vida Foundation’s bright future. A heartfelt thank you to our amazing founder Hilda Pacheco-Taylor for inspiring us to live a life of purpose, to our incredible staff for working hard to keep us going: George, Leny, Sandra, Claudia, Diana, Carmen, Dan, Maricarmen Andrea, and Rocio, to all of the orphanage directors and staff who work tirelessly to care and protect the children, and to our volunteers, sponsors and generous donors for joining our journey and making our mission possible! 

Together we are making the world a better place for our children in Baja. At Corazon de Vida, we are FAMILY!

Click HERE to send a gift in celebration of our anniversary.

CORAZON DE VIDA :: SILVER LINING TO THE PANDEMIC Posted on 24 Mar 16:00 , 0 comments

If there was ever a “Silver Lining” to this pandemic, it has to be the world of opportunities that have opened up for the children through the exponential advances in access to virtual technology. The abrupt move to remote learning last year had us go into high gear ensuring that the orphanages had the required technology so the children could participate in distance learning via zoom and other platforms. The orphanages all upgraded to high-speed internet (the best possible for each of their areas) and we provided laptops, desktops, chrome books, printers and other equipment as needed for the children’s learning. 

Now that the orphanages are more technologically set-up, new opportunities to help the children have been made available. Here are some of the activities going on at the homes:

  • Virtual Karate Lessons – the special needs residents at Rancho de Los Niños are participating in virtual Karate Lessons with Sensei Tamara Canedo. She provides Karate training for children and adults with various disabilities. Sensei Tamara is happy to report that all students have been promoted to yellow belt!
  • Virtual Math and English tutoring – some of our university students are currently being tutored by members of the GiveLight Foundation. They are reporting a great improvement in Math and English!
  • Virtual Speech Therapy Sessions – our amazing volunteers from Speaking from The Heart have been providing Speech Therapy at the orphanages for over 8 years. Unable to continue their in-person visits and sessions this past year, they have transitioned to providing Virtual Therapy Sessions and the kids could not be happier!

These are amazing learning activities that were not possible before and they are  great for the kids and for those looking to support their development. Thank you for your love and unwavering support of our mission!

CORAZON DE VIDA :: CELEBRATING INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY 2021 Posted on 8 Mar 12:18 , 0 comments

International Women’s Day is a global holiday that celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world! On this special day women are recognized for their contribution to society, no matter their background. This day also highlights women’s rights and the need for gender equality. 
Our supported orphanages teach children to treat all human beings with kindness and respect. Promoting inclusivity and gender equality empowers the orphaned children to realize that they are deserving of all opportunities no matter their ethnic background, gender, race or economic status and this is what International Women’s Day is all about Corazon de Vida empowers girls to defy all odds against them and leads them to a brighter future.    

Did you know that 75% of the students enrolled in our university program are female? Unfortunately, societal pressures make it extremely difficult for our young women to integrate back into society and reach their full potential. We see access to high-quality education as one of the most important tools to end the vicious cycle of poverty. Your support helps us empower young girls to reach their full potential and transform not only their lives, but the lives of their families and communities as well. They are the doctors, veterinarians, psychologists, and business owners of tomorrow.

On International Women’s Day let’s uplift the orphaned and abandoned young girls out of poverty and guide them towards a successful future! Celebrate #IWD2021 today with a donation that will transform a girl’s life forever. Even a simple act of kindness can have a powerful effect. Together, we are changing  lives from the heart. Donate HERE.




CORAZON DE VIDA :: IN MEMORY OF BENJAMIN Posted on 2 Mar 11:25 , 0 comments

Benjamin was a force of nature! Despite being born with Spina Bifida, being confined to a wheelchair and losing his eyesight as a pre-teen, his spirit was never broken! He lived his life with enthusiasm and determination. Benji was strong physically, but it was his resilient spirit that really inspired everyone around him! Benji’s story is a story of determination and hope.


Benji lived in one of Corazon de Vida’s supported orphanages since he was a baby. He was 100% self-sufficient at home; he cleaned dishes, cleaned his room, bathed himself, and did many more activities with very little assistance! He loved sports and in particular the Xolos soccer team and the San Diego Padres. His childhood dream was to become a sports broadcaster!

When Benji completed high-school and had to decide about a university career, he decided to go for Psychology, He felt he could make a difference for others. With the help of a special laptop with audio reading and writing, he completed his first semester of university in December 2020 with all 10's (equivalent to a 4.0 GPA in the US). Ben was on his way of making the goal of having a career come true.

We would like to send our deepest gratitude to everyone in our Corazon de Vida community, your support provided Ben with a loving home and an environment where he was able to thrive. His time on this earth was short, but it was filled with lots of brothers and sisters, love and nurturing. 

We are extremely blessed to have had Benjamin in our lives. It’s our loss but heaven's gain. He is now in his new body, running free in heaven, playing soccer, or maybe just being the game’s broadcaster! 

RIP Benji, your CDV family will remember you forever.

CORAZON DE VIDA :: CELEBRATING DIGITAL LEARNING DAY #DLDAY2021 Posted on 25 Feb 10:41 , 0 comments

Digital Learning Day is February 25 and this year's celebration is more meaningful than ever before! Digital Learning Day is an online celebration of all the advancements in educational technology that improves learning experiences and the ability to access educational resources anytime, anywhere.